Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer You Are Flying By So Fast.......

I've been away from the blog for several months.  The end of school was extra crazy this year for me and the blog was put to the side.  I had two, yes two seniors graduate from high school.  They both will be going to college in August, and I will have one high freshman in the house.

I also became a honorary grandmother. LeLe.  Tiffany that worked with me for 3 years had a baby Little Kenlee. I am so proud of Tiffany, she will have her own pre-k classroom this fall.  Wow.

Now I am back in school mode....  Working on cleaning up in my classroom and thinking about the new year.  It will be here before we know it.  Soon there will be new K-Crew kids in room 6.  Have a great summer, and rest up......... only a few more weeks.

K-Crew Kids Rock